![]() |
pasteseq |
To insert the sequence 'tsw:flav_nossm' after position 67 in sequence 'tsw:amir_pseae' and write the results to the file 'amir_pseae.fasta':
% pasteseq tsw:amir_pseae tsw:flav_nossm -pos=67 Insert one sequence into another Output sequence [amir_pseae.fasta]: |
Go to the input files for this example
Go to the output files for this example
Example 2
This does the same thing, but the output qualifier is explicitly used:
% pasteseq tsw:amir_pseae tsw:flav_nossm -out=amirplus.seq -pos=67 Insert one sequence into another |
Go to the output files for this example
Example 3
To insert the sequence 'tsw:flav_nossm' before the start of sequence 'tsw:amir_pseae' use -pos=0:
% pasteseq tsw:amir_pseae tsw:flav_nossm -out=amirplus.seq -pos=0 Insert one sequence into another |
Go to the output files for this example
Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers: [-asequence] sequence Sequence USA [-bsequence] sequence Sequence to insert -pos integer The position in the main input sequence to insert after. To insert before the start use the position 0. [-outseq] seqout Output sequence USA Additional (Optional) qualifiers: (none) Advanced (Unprompted) qualifiers: (none) Associated qualifiers: "-asequence" associated qualifiers -sbegin1 integer Start of the sequence to be used -send1 integer End of the sequence to be used -sreverse1 boolean Reverse (if DNA) -sask1 boolean Ask for begin/end/reverse -snucleotide1 boolean Sequence is nucleotide -sprotein1 boolean Sequence is protein -slower1 boolean Make lower case -supper1 boolean Make upper case -sformat1 string Input sequence format -sdbname1 string Database name -sid1 string Entryname -ufo1 string UFO features -fformat1 string Features format -fopenfile1 string Features file name "-bsequence" associated qualifiers -sbegin2 integer Start of the sequence to be used -send2 integer End of the sequence to be used -sreverse2 boolean Reverse (if DNA) -sask2 boolean Ask for begin/end/reverse -snucleotide2 boolean Sequence is nucleotide -sprotein2 boolean Sequence is protein -slower2 boolean Make lower case -supper2 boolean Make upper case -sformat2 string Input sequence format -sdbname2 string Database name -sid2 string Entryname -ufo2 string UFO features -fformat2 string Features format -fopenfile2 string Features file name "-outseq" associated qualifiers -osformat3 string Output seq format -osextension3 string File name extension -osname3 string Base file name -osdirectory3 string Output directory -osdbname3 string Database name to add -ossingle3 boolean Separate file for each entry -oufo3 string UFO features -offormat3 string Features format -ofname3 string Features file name -ofdirectory3 string Output directory General qualifiers: -auto boolean Turn off prompts -stdout boolean Write standard output -filter boolean Read standard input, write standard output -options boolean Prompt for standard and additional values -debug boolean Write debug output to program.dbg -verbose boolean Report some/full command line options -help boolean Report command line options. More information on associated and general qualifiers can be found with -help -verbose -warning boolean Report warnings -error boolean Report errors -fatal boolean Report fatal errors -die boolean Report deaths |
Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers | Allowed values | Default | |
[-asequence] (Parameter 1) |
Sequence USA | Readable sequence | Required |
[-bsequence] (Parameter 2) |
Sequence to insert | Readable sequence | Required |
-pos | The position in the main input sequence to insert after. To insert before the start use the position 0. | Integer 0 or more | $(asequence.end) |
[-outseq] (Parameter 3) |
Output sequence USA | Writeable sequence | <sequence>.format |
Additional (Optional) qualifiers | Allowed values | Default | |
(none) | |||
Advanced (Unprompted) qualifiers | Allowed values | Default | |
(none) |
ID AMIR_PSEAE STANDARD; PRT; 196 AA. AC P10932; DT 01-JUL-1989 (Rel. 11, Created) DT 01-JUL-1989 (Rel. 11, Last sequence update) DT 15-DEC-1998 (Rel. 37, Last annotation update) DE ALIPHATIC AMIDASE REGULATOR. GN AMIR. OS Pseudomonas aeruginosa. OC Bacteria; Proteobacteria; gamma subdivision; Pseudomonas group; OC Pseudomonas. RN [1] RP SEQUENCE FROM N.A. RC STRAIN=PAC; RX MEDLINE; 89211409. RA LOWE N., RICE P.M., DREW R.E.; RT "Nucleotide sequence of the aliphatic amidase regulator gene (amiR) RT of Pseudomonas aeruginosa."; RL FEBS Lett. 246:39-43(1989). RN [2] RP CHARACTERIZATION. RX MEDLINE; 95286483. RA WILSON S.A., DREW R.E.; RT "Transcriptional analysis of the amidase operon from Pseudomonas RT aeruginosa."; RL J. Bacteriol. 177:3052-3057(1995). CC -!- FUNCTION: POSITIVE CONTROLLING ELEMENT OF AMIE, THE GENE FOR CC ALIPHATIC AMIDASE. ACTS AS A TRANSCRIPTIONAL ANTITERMINATION CC FACTOR. IT IS THOUGHT TO ALLOW RNA POLYMERASE READ THROUGH A RHO- CC INDEPENDENT TRANSCRIPTION TERMINATOR BETWEEN THE AMIE PROMOTER AND CC GENE. CC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC This SWISS-PROT entry is copyright. It is produced through a collaboration CC between the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and the EMBL outstation - CC the European Bioinformatics Institute. There are no restrictions on its CC use by non-profit institutions as long as its content is in no way CC modified and this statement is not removed. Usage by and for commercial CC entities requires a license agreement (See http://www.isb-sib.ch/announce/ CC or send an email to license@isb-sib.ch). CC -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR EMBL; X13776; CAA32023.1; -. DR PIR; S03884; S03884. KW Transcription regulation; Activator. SQ SEQUENCE 196 AA; 21776 MW; 560A8AE3 CRC32; MSANSLLGSL RELQVLVLNP PGEVSDALVL QLIRIGCSVR QCWPPPEAFD VPVDVVFTSI FQNGHHDEIA ALLAAGTPRT TLVALVEYES PAVLSQIIEL ECHGVITQPL DAHRVLPVLV SARRISEEMA KLKQKTEQLQ DRIAGQARIN QAKVLLMQRH GWDEREAHQH LSREAMKRRE PILKIAQELL GNEPSA // |
ID FLAV_NOSSM STANDARD; PRT; 35 AA. AC P35707; DT 01-JUN-1994 (Rel. 29, Created) DT 01-JUN-1994 (Rel. 29, Last sequence update) DT 15-DEC-1998 (Rel. 37, Last annotation update) DE FLAVODOXIN (FRAGMENT). OS Nostoc sp. (strain MAC). OC Bacteria; Cyanobacteria; Nostocales; Nostocaceae; Nostoc. RN [1] RP SEQUENCE. RA Takruri I.A.H., Boulter D., Fitzgerald M.P., Hutber G.N., Rogers L.J.; RT "N-terminal amino acid sequences of flavodoxins from Chondrus crispus RT and Nostoc strain MAC."; RL Phytochemistry 25:2113-2115(1986). CC -!- FUNCTION: LOW-POTENTIAL ELECTRON DONOR TO A NUMBER OF REDOX CC ENZYMES. CC -!- COFACTOR: FMN. CC -!- SIMILARITY: BELONGS TO THE FLAVODOXIN FAMILY. DR PIR; PA0004; PA0004. DR HSSP; P11241; 1RCF. DR INTERPRO; IPR001226; -. DR PFAM; PF00258; flavodoxin; 1. DR PROSITE; PS00201; FLAVODOXIN; 1. KW Electron transport; Flavoprotein; FMN. FT NON_TER 35 35 SQ SEQUENCE 35 AA; 3820 MW; B6EEB5CA7A45DDA6 CRC64; SKKIGLFYGT ZTGKTESVAE IIDEFGDEVV TLDID // |
Program name | Description |
biosed | Replace or delete sequence sections |
codcopy | Reads and writes a codon usage table |
cutseq | Removes a specified section from a sequence |
degapseq | Removes gap characters from sequences |
descseq | Alter the name or description of a sequence |
entret | Reads and writes (returns) flatfile entries |
extractfeat | Extract features from a sequence |
extractseq | Extract regions from a sequence |
listor | Write a list file of the logical OR of two sets of sequences |
maskfeat | Mask off features of a sequence |
maskseq | Mask off regions of a sequence |
newseq | Type in a short new sequence |
noreturn | Removes carriage return from ASCII files |
notseq | Exclude a set of sequences and write out the remaining ones |
nthseq | Writes one sequence from a multiple set of sequences |
revseq | Reverse and complement a sequence |
seqret | Reads and writes (returns) sequences |
seqretsplit | Reads and writes (returns) sequences in individual files |
skipseq | Reads and writes (returns) sequences, skipping first few |
splitter | Split a sequence into (overlapping) smaller sequences |
trimest | Trim poly-A tails off EST sequences |
trimseq | Trim ambiguous bits off the ends of sequences |
union | Reads sequence fragments and builds one sequence |
vectorstrip | Strips out DNA between a pair of vector sequences |
yank | Reads a sequence range, appends the full USA to a list file |