


Finds neighbouring pairs of features in sequences


twofeat reads in the feature tables of sequences and reports occurances of pairs of specified features.

This is intended for use as a simple data-mining tool to enable you to look for instances of pairs of features that occur near to each other in the same sequence entry.

For each of the pair of features, you can specify its type name, its sense, its score and any tag/value pairs, amongst other things.

You can then specify the type of relationship that the two features should have. You can specify the minimum and maximum distance between them. You can specify the type of overlap allowed: Any type of overlap or no overlap is allowed, Overlap required, No overlaps are allowed, Overlap required but one feature must not be completely within the other, Feature A must be completely enclosed within feature B, Feature B must be completely enclosed within feature A. You can specify that the distance should be measured from the nearest ends of the two features, From the left ends, From right ends, From the furthest ends. You can specify that the features should be in any sense, in the same sense or in opposite senses. You can specify that the features should be in any order, Feature A then feature B, Feature B then feature A.

By default the resulting pairs of features found are then written to a report file as a single feature from the first postion of the left-most feature to the last position of the right-most feature. You can modify the output to report the pairs of features with no changes made to them.


For each sequence:
	identify the features that match the criteria for Feature A
	identify the features that match the criteria for Feature B
	compare all pairs of features
	if they satisfy the requirements output them to the report file


Here is a sample session with twofeat

Without the -twoout option the output report contains just one feature for every pair of features found.

% twofeat tembl:hsfau 
Finds neighbouring pairs of features in sequences
Type of first feature [*]: polyA_signal
Type of second feature [*]: polyA_site
The minimum distance between the features [0]: 10
The maximum distance between the features [0]: 50
Output report [hsfau.twofeat]: 

Go to the input files for this example
Go to the output files for this example

Example 2

The -twoout option makes the output report give the pairs of features found. The ouput report format type has been changed to display the full original pairs of faetures in GFF format.

% twofeat -twoout -rformat gff tembl:hsfau 
Finds neighbouring pairs of features in sequences
Type of first feature [*]: polyA_signal
Type of second feature [*]: polyA_site
The minimum distance between the features [0]: 10
The maximum distance between the features [0]: 50
Output report [hsfau.twofeat]: 

Go to the output files for this example

Command line arguments

   Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers:
  [-sequence]          seqall     Sequence database USA
   -atype              string     By default every feature in the feature
                                  table is allowed. You can set this to be any
                                  feature type you wish to allow.
                                  for a list of the EMBL feature types and see
                                  Appendix A of the Swissprot user manual in
                         for a
                                  list of the Swissprot feature types.
                                  The type may be wildcarded by using '*'.
                                  If you wish to allow more than one type,
                                  separate their names with the character '|',
                                  *UTR | intron
   -btype              string     By default every feature in the feature
                                  table is allowed. You can set this to be any
                                  feature type you wish to allow.
                                  for a list of the EMBL feature types and see
                                  Appendix A of the Swissprot user manual in
                         for a
                                  list of the Swissprot feature types.
                                  The type may be wildcarded by using '*'.
                                  If you wish to allow more than one type,
                                  separate their names with the character '|',
                                  *UTR | intron
   -minrange           integer    If this is greater or equal to 'maxrange',
                                  then no min or max range is specified
   -maxrange           integer    If this is less than or equal to 'minrange',
                                  then no min or max range is specified
  [-outfile]           report     Output report file name

   Additional (Optional) qualifiers (* if not always prompted):
   -asource            string     By default any feature source in the feature
                                  table is allowed. You can set this to match
                                  any feature source you wish to allow.
                                  The source name is usually either the name
                                  of the program that detected the feature or
                                  it is the feature table (eg: EMBL) that the
                                  feature came from.
                                  The source may be wildcarded by using '*'.
                                  If you wish to allow more than one source,
                                  separate their names with the character '|',
                                  gene* | embl
   -asense             menu       By default any feature sense is allowed. You
                                  can set this to match the required sense.
   -aminscore          float      If this is greater than or equal to the
                                  maximum score, then any score is allowed.
   -amaxscore          float      If this is less than or equal to the maximum
                                  score, then any score is permitted.
   -atag               string     Tags are the types of extra values that a
                                  feature may have. For example in the EMBL
                                  feature table, a 'CDS' type of feature may
                                  have the tags '/codon', '/codon_start',
                                  '/db_xref', '/EC_number', '/evidence',
                                  '/exception', '/function', '/gene',
                                  '/label', '/map', '/note', '/number',
                                  '/partial', '/product', '/protein_id',
                                  '/pseudo', '/standard_name', '/translation',
                                  '/transl_except', '/transl_table', or
                                  '/usedin'. Some of these tags also have
                                  values, for example '/gene' can have the
                                  value of the gene name.
                                  By default any feature tag in the feature
                                  table is allowed. You can set this to match
                                  any feature tag you wish to allow.
                                  The tag may be wildcarded by using '*'.
                                  If you wish to allow more than one tag,
                                  separate their names with the character '|',
                                  gene | label
   -avalue             string     Tag values are the values associated with a
                                  feature tag. Tags are the types of extra
                                  values that a feature may have. For example
                                  in the EMBL feature table, a 'CDS' type of
                                  feature may have the tags '/codon',
                                  '/codon_start', '/db_xref', '/EC_number',
                                  '/evidence', '/exception', '/function',
                                  '/gene', '/label', '/map', '/note',
                                  '/number', '/partial', '/product',
                                  '/protein_id', '/pseudo', '/standard_name',
                                  '/translation', '/transl_except',
                                  '/transl_table', or '/usedin'. Only some of
                                  these tags can have values, for example
                                  '/gene' can have the value of the gene name.
                                  By default any feature tag value in the
                                  feature table is allowed. You can set this
                                  to match any feature tag value you wish to
                                  The tag value may be wildcarded by using
                                  If you wish to allow more than one tag
                                  value, separate their names with the
                                  character '|', eg:
                                  pax* | 10
   -bsource            string     By default any feature source in the feature
                                  table is allowed. You can set this to match
                                  any feature source you wish to allow.
                                  The source name is usually either the name
                                  of the program that detected the feature or
                                  it is the feature table (eg: EMBL) that the
                                  feature came from.
                                  The source may be wildcarded by using '*'.
                                  If you wish to allow more than one source,
                                  separate their names with the character '|',
                                  gene* | embl
   -bsense             menu       By default any feature sense is allowed. You
                                  can set this to match the required sense.
   -bminscore          float      If this is greater than or equal to the
                                  maximum score, then any score is allowed.
   -bmaxscore          float      If this is less than or equal to the maximum
                                  score, then any score is permitted.
   -btag               string     Tags are the types of extra values that a
                                  feature may have. For example in the EMBL
                                  feature table, a 'CDS' type of feature may
                                  have the tags '/codon', '/codon_start',
                                  '/db_xref', '/EC_number', '/evidence',
                                  '/exception', '/function', '/gene',
                                  '/label', '/map', '/note', '/number',
                                  '/partial', '/product', '/protein_id',
                                  '/pseudo', '/standard_name', '/translation',
                                  '/transl_except', '/transl_table', or
                                  '/usedin'. Some of these tags also have
                                  values, for example '/gene' can have the
                                  value of the gene name.
                                  By default any feature tag in the feature
                                  table is allowed. You can set this to match
                                  any feature tag you wish to allow.
                                  The tag may be wildcarded by using '*'.
                                  If you wish to allow more than one tag,
                                  separate their names with the character '|',
                                  gene | label
   -bvalue             string     Tag values are the values associated with a
                                  feature tag. Tags are the types of extra
                                  values that a feature may have. For example
                                  in the EMBL feature table, a 'CDS' type of
                                  feature may have the tags '/codon',
                                  '/codon_start', '/db_xref', '/EC_number',
                                  '/evidence', '/exception', '/function',
                                  '/gene', '/label', '/map', '/note',
                                  '/number', '/partial', '/product',
                                  '/protein_id', '/pseudo', '/standard_name',
                                  '/translation', '/transl_except',
                                  '/transl_table', or '/usedin'. Only some of
                                  these tags can have values, for example
                                  '/gene' can have the value of the gene name.
                                  By default any feature tag value in the
                                  feature table is allowed. You can set this
                                  to match any feature tag value you wish to
                                  The tag value may be wildcarded by using
                                  If you wish to allow more than one tag
                                  value, separate their names with the
                                  character '|', eg:
                                  pax* | 10
   -overlap            menu       This allows you to specify the allowed
                                  overlaps of the features A and B.
                                  You can allow any or no overlaps, specify
                                  that they must or must not overlap, that one
                                  must or must not be wholly enclosed within
                                  another feature.
   -rangetype          menu       This allows you to specify the positions
                                  from which the allowed minimum or maximum
                                  distance between the features is measured
   -sense              menu       This allows you to specify the required
                                  sense that the two features must be on. This
                                  is ignored (always 'Any') when looking at
                                  protein sequence features.
   -order              menu       This allows you to specify the required
                                  order of the two features. The order is
                                  measured from the start positions of the
                                  features. This criterion is always applied
                                  despite the specified overlap type required.
   -twoout             toggle     If you set this to be true, then the two
                                  features themselves will be written out. If
                                  it is left as false, then a single feature
                                  will be written out covering the two
                                  features you found.
*  -typeout            string     If you have specified that the pairs of
                                  features that are found should be reported
                                  as one feature in the ouput, then you can
                                  specify the 'type' name of the new feature
                                  here. By default every feature in the
                                  feature table is allowed. See
                                  a list of the EMBL feature types and see
                                  Appendix A of the Swissprot user manual in
                         for a
                                  list of the Swissprot feature types. If you
                                  specify an invalid feature type name, then
                                  the default name 'misc_feature' is used.

   Advanced (Unprompted) qualifiers: (none)
   Associated qualifiers:

   "-sequence" associated qualifiers
   -sbegin1             integer    Start of each sequence to be used
   -send1               integer    End of each sequence to be used
   -sreverse1           boolean    Reverse (if DNA)
   -sask1               boolean    Ask for begin/end/reverse
   -snucleotide1        boolean    Sequence is nucleotide
   -sprotein1           boolean    Sequence is protein
   -slower1             boolean    Make lower case
   -supper1             boolean    Make upper case
   -sformat1            string     Input sequence format
   -sdbname1            string     Database name
   -sid1                string     Entryname
   -ufo1                string     UFO features
   -fformat1            string     Features format
   -fopenfile1          string     Features file name

   "-outfile" associated qualifiers
   -rformat2            string     Report format
   -rname2              string     Base file name
   -rextension2         string     File name extension
   -rdirectory2         string     Output directory
   -raccshow2           boolean    Show accession number in the report
   -rdesshow2           boolean    Show description in the report
   -rscoreshow2         boolean    Show the score in the report
   -rusashow2           boolean    Show the full USA in the report

   General qualifiers:
   -auto                boolean    Turn off prompts
   -stdout              boolean    Write standard output
   -filter              boolean    Read standard input, write standard output
   -options             boolean    Prompt for standard and additional values
   -debug               boolean    Write debug output to program.dbg
   -verbose             boolean    Report some/full command line options
   -help                boolean    Report command line options. More
                                  information on associated and general
                                  qualifiers can be found with -help -verbose
   -warning             boolean    Report warnings
   -error               boolean    Report errors
   -fatal               boolean    Report fatal errors
   -die                 boolean    Report deaths

Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers Allowed values Default
(Parameter 1)
Sequence database USA Readable sequence(s) Required
-atype By default every feature in the feature table is allowed. You can set this to be any feature type you wish to allow. See for a list of the EMBL feature types and see Appendix A of the Swissprot user manual in for a list of the Swissprot feature types. The type may be wildcarded by using '*'. If you wish to allow more than one type, separate their names with the character '|', eg: *UTR | intron Any string is accepted *
-btype By default every feature in the feature table is allowed. You can set this to be any feature type you wish to allow. See for a list of the EMBL feature types and see Appendix A of the Swissprot user manual in for a list of the Swissprot feature types. The type may be wildcarded by using '*'. If you wish to allow more than one type, separate their names with the character '|', eg: *UTR | intron Any string is accepted *
-minrange If this is greater or equal to 'maxrange', then no min or max range is specified Any integer value 0
-maxrange If this is less than or equal to 'minrange', then no min or max range is specified Any integer value 0
(Parameter 2)
Output report file name Report output file  
Additional (Optional) qualifiers Allowed values Default
-asource By default any feature source in the feature table is allowed. You can set this to match any feature source you wish to allow. The source name is usually either the name of the program that detected the feature or it is the feature table (eg: EMBL) that the feature came from. The source may be wildcarded by using '*'. If you wish to allow more than one source, separate their names with the character '|', eg: gene* | embl Any string is accepted *
-asense By default any feature sense is allowed. You can set this to match the required sense.
0 (Any sense)
+ (Forward sense)
- (Reverse sense)
-aminscore If this is greater than or equal to the maximum score, then any score is allowed. Any numeric value 0.0
-amaxscore If this is less than or equal to the maximum score, then any score is permitted. Any numeric value 0.0
-atag Tags are the types of extra values that a feature may have. For example in the EMBL feature table, a 'CDS' type of feature may have the tags '/codon', '/codon_start', '/db_xref', '/EC_number', '/evidence', '/exception', '/function', '/gene', '/label', '/map', '/note', '/number', '/partial', '/product', '/protein_id', '/pseudo', '/standard_name', '/translation', '/transl_except', '/transl_table', or '/usedin'. Some of these tags also have values, for example '/gene' can have the value of the gene name. By default any feature tag in the feature table is allowed. You can set this to match any feature tag you wish to allow. The tag may be wildcarded by using '*'. If you wish to allow more than one tag, separate their names with the character '|', eg: gene | label Any string is accepted *
-avalue Tag values are the values associated with a feature tag. Tags are the types of extra values that a feature may have. For example in the EMBL feature table, a 'CDS' type of feature may have the tags '/codon', '/codon_start', '/db_xref', '/EC_number', '/evidence', '/exception', '/function', '/gene', '/label', '/map', '/note', '/number', '/partial', '/product', '/protein_id', '/pseudo', '/standard_name', '/translation', '/transl_except', '/transl_table', or '/usedin'. Only some of these tags can have values, for example '/gene' can have the value of the gene name. By default any feature tag value in the feature table is allowed. You can set this to match any feature tag value you wish to allow. The tag value may be wildcarded by using '*'. If you wish to allow more than one tag value, separate their names with the character '|', eg: pax* | 10 Any string is accepted *
-bsource By default any feature source in the feature table is allowed. You can set this to match any feature source you wish to allow. The source name is usually either the name of the program that detected the feature or it is the feature table (eg: EMBL) that the feature came from. The source may be wildcarded by using '*'. If you wish to allow more than one source, separate their names with the character '|', eg: gene* | embl Any string is accepted *
-bsense By default any feature sense is allowed. You can set this to match the required sense.
0 (Any sense)
+ (Forward sense)
- (Reverse sense)
-bminscore If this is greater than or equal to the maximum score, then any score is allowed. Any numeric value 0.0
-bmaxscore If this is less than or equal to the maximum score, then any score is permitted. Any numeric value 0.0
-btag Tags are the types of extra values that a feature may have. For example in the EMBL feature table, a 'CDS' type of feature may have the tags '/codon', '/codon_start', '/db_xref', '/EC_number', '/evidence', '/exception', '/function', '/gene', '/label', '/map', '/note', '/number', '/partial', '/product', '/protein_id', '/pseudo', '/standard_name', '/translation', '/transl_except', '/transl_table', or '/usedin'. Some of these tags also have values, for example '/gene' can have the value of the gene name. By default any feature tag in the feature table is allowed. You can set this to match any feature tag you wish to allow. The tag may be wildcarded by using '*'. If you wish to allow more than one tag, separate their names with the character '|', eg: gene | label Any string is accepted *
-bvalue Tag values are the values associated with a feature tag. Tags are the types of extra values that a feature may have. For example in the EMBL feature table, a 'CDS' type of feature may have the tags '/codon', '/codon_start', '/db_xref', '/EC_number', '/evidence', '/exception', '/function', '/gene', '/label', '/map', '/note', '/number', '/partial', '/product', '/protein_id', '/pseudo', '/standard_name', '/translation', '/transl_except', '/transl_table', or '/usedin'. Only some of these tags can have values, for example '/gene' can have the value of the gene name. By default any feature tag value in the feature table is allowed. You can set this to match any feature tag value you wish to allow. The tag value may be wildcarded by using '*'. If you wish to allow more than one tag value, separate their names with the character '|', eg: pax* | 10 Any string is accepted *
-overlap This allows you to specify the allowed overlaps of the features A and B. You can allow any or no overlaps, specify that they must or must not overlap, that one must or must not be wholly enclosed within another feature.
A (Any)
O (Overlap required)
NO (No overlaps are allowed)
NW (Overlap required but not within)
AW (A must be all within B)
BW (B must be all within A)
-rangetype This allows you to specify the positions from which the allowed minimum or maximum distance between the features is measured
N (From nearest ends)
L (From left ends)
R (From right ends)
F (From furthest ends)
-sense This allows you to specify the required sense that the two features must be on. This is ignored (always 'Any') when looking at protein sequence features.
A (Any sense)
S (Same sense)
O (Opposite sense)
-order This allows you to specify the required order of the two features. The order is measured from the start positions of the features. This criterion is always applied despite the specified overlap type required.
A (Any)
AB (Feature A then feature B)
BA (Feature B then feature A)
-twoout If you set this to be true, then the two features themselves will be written out. If it is left as false, then a single feature will be written out covering the two features you found. Toggle value Yes/No No
-typeout If you have specified that the pairs of features that are found should be reported as one feature in the ouput, then you can specify the 'type' name of the new feature here. By default every feature in the feature table is allowed. See for a list of the EMBL feature types and see Appendix A of the Swissprot user manual in for a list of the Swissprot feature types. If you specify an invalid feature type name, then the default name 'misc_feature' is used. Any string is accepted misc_feature
Advanced (Unprompted) qualifiers Allowed values Default

Input file format

twofeat reads any normal sequence USAs.

Input files for usage example

'tembl:hsfau' is a sequence entry in the example nucleic acid database 'tembl'

Database entry: tembl:hsfau

ID   HSFAU      standard; RNA; HUM; 518 BP.
AC   X65923;
SV   X65923.1
DT   13-MAY-1992 (Rel. 31, Created)
DT   23-SEP-1993 (Rel. 37, Last updated, Version 10)
DE   H.sapiens fau mRNA
KW   fau gene.
OS   Homo sapiens (human)
OC   Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia;
OC   Eutheria; Primates; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
RN   [1]
RP   1-518
RA   Michiels L.M.R.;
RT   ;
RL   Submitted (29-APR-1992) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RL   L.M.R. Michiels, University of Antwerp, Dept of Biochemistry,
RL   Universiteisplein 1, 2610 Wilrijk, BELGIUM
RN   [2]
RP   1-518
RX   MEDLINE; 93368957.
RA   Michiels L., Van der Rauwelaert E., Van Hasselt F., Kas K., Merregaert J.;
RT   " fau cDNA encodes a ubiquitin-like-S30 fusion protein and is expressed as
RT   an antisense sequences in the Finkel-Biskis-Reilly murine sarcoma virus";
RL   Oncogene 8:2537-2546(1993).
FH   Key             Location/Qualifiers
FT   source          1..518
FT                   /chromosome="11q"
FT                   /db_xref="taxon:9606"
FT                   /organism="Homo sapiens"
FT                   /tissue_type="placenta"
FT                   /clone_lib="cDNA"
FT                   /clone="pUIA 631"
FT                   /map="13"
FT   misc_feature    57..278
FT                   /note="ubiquitin like part"
FT   CDS             57..458
FT                   /db_xref="SWISS-PROT:P35544"
FT                   /db_xref="SWISS-PROT:Q05472"
FT                   /gene="fau"
FT                   /protein_id="CAA46716.1"
FT   misc_feature    98..102
FT                   /note="nucleolar localization signal"
FT   misc_feature    279..458
FT                   /note="S30 part"
FT   polyA_signal    484..489
FT   polyA_site      509
SQ   Sequence 518 BP; 125 A; 139 C; 148 G; 106 T; 0 other;
     ttcctctttc tcgactccat cttcgcggta gctgggaccg ccgttcagtc gccaatatgc        60
     agctctttgt ccgcgcccag gagctacaca ccttcgaggt gaccggccag gaaacggtcg       120
     cccagatcaa ggctcatgta gcctcactgg agggcattgc cccggaagat caagtcgtgc       180
     tcctggcagg cgcgcccctg gaggatgagg ccactctggg ccagtgcggg gtggaggccc       240
     tgactaccct ggaagtagca ggccgcatgc ttggaggtaa agttcatggt tccctggccc       300
     gtgctggaaa agtgagaggt cagactccta aggtggccaa acaggagaag aagaagaaga       360
     agacaggtcg ggctaagcgg cggatgcagt acaaccggcg ctttgtcaac gttgtgccca       420
     cctttggcaa gaagaagggc cccaatgcca actcttaagt cttttgtaat tctggctttc       480
     tctaataaaa aagccactta gttcagtcaa aaaaaaaa                               518

Output file format

The output is a standard EMBOSS report file.

The results can be output in one of several styles by using the command-line qualifier -rformat xxx, where 'xxx' is replaced by the name of the required format. The available format names are: embl, genbank, gff, pir, swiss, trace, listfile, dbmotif, diffseq, excel, feattable, motif, regions, seqtable, simple, srs, table, tagseq

See: for further information on report formats.

twofeat outputs a report format file. The default format is table

Output files for usage example

File: hsfau.twofeat

# Program: twofeat
# Rundate: Fri Jul 15 2005 12:00:00
# Report_format: table
# Report_file: hsfau.twofeat

# Sequence: HSFAU     from: 1   to: 518
# HitCount: 1

  Start     End   Score starta   enda startb   endb
    484     509   0.000    484    489    509    509


Output files for usage example 2

File: hsfau.twofeat

##gff-version 2.0
##date 2005-07-15
HSFAU	EMBL	polyA_signal	484	489	0.000	+	.	Sequence "HSFAU.6"
HSFAU	EMBL	polyA_site	509	509	0.000	+	.	Sequence "HSFAU.7" ; FeatFlags "0x40"

Data files



It can't find features that are not in the input sequences. It has no way of checking whether the input features are correct or not. Remember this when you are searching public databases.





Diagnostic Error Messages


Exit status

It always exits with status 0.

Known bugs

There is a slight memory leak that must be fixed at some time. This does no affect the results.

See also

Program nameDescription
coderetExtract CDS, mRNA and translations from feature tables
extractfeatExtract features from a sequence
maskfeatMask off features of a sequence
showfeatShow features of a sequence


Gary Williams (gwilliam ©
MRC Rosalind Franklin Centre for Genomics Research Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SB, UK


Written (2002) - Gary Williams

Target users

This program is intended to be used by everyone and everything, from naive users to embedded scripts.

