EMBOSS explorer


Show features of a sequence. (read the manual)

Input section

Select an input sequence. Use one of the following three fields:

  1. To access a sequence from a database, enter the USA here:
  2. To upload a sequence from your local computer, select it here:
  3. To enter the sequence data manually, type here:
Additional section
Source of feature to display
Type of feature to display
Tag of feature to display
Value of feature tags to display
Sort features by Type, Start or Source, Nosort (don't sort - use input order) or join coding regions together and leave other features in the input order
Regions to mark (eg: 4-57 promoter region 78-94 first exon) (If this is left blank, then no annotation is added.)
Advanced section
Use HTML formatting?
Show sequence ID?
Show description?
Show scale line?
Width of graphics lines
Display features with the same type on one line?
Display forward sense features?
Display reverse sense features?
Display unknown sense features?
Display strand of features?
Display source of features?
Display position of features?
Display type of features?
Display tags of features?
Display tag values of features?
Only display the matching tags?
Output section
Run section
Email address: If you are submitting a long job and would like to be informed by email when it finishes, enter your email address here.