EMBOSS explorer


Find restriction enzymes producing specific overhang (read the manual)

Input section

Select an input sequence. Use one of the following three fields:

  1. To access a sequence from a database, enter the USA here:
  2. To upload a sequence from your local computer, select it here:
  3. To enter the sequence data manually, type here:

Alternative RE data file. Use one of the following two fields:

  1. To access a standard EMBOSS data file, enter the name here:
  2. To upload a data file from your local computer, select it here:
Required section
Overlap sequence
Advanced section
Minimum cuts per RE
Maximum cuts per RE
Force single site only cuts?
Use 3' overhang e.g. BamHI has CTAG as a 5' overhang, and ApaI has CCGG as 3' overhang.?
Allow blunt end cutters?
Allow sticky end cutters?
Allow ambiguous matches?
Allow circular DNA?
Only enzymes with suppliers?
Output section
Create HTML output?
Limits reports to one isoschizomer?
Sort output alphabetically?
Show fragment lengths?
Show sequence name?
Run section
Email address: If you are submitting a long job and would like to be informed by email when it finishes, enter your email address here.