EMBOSS explorer


Calculates DNA RNA/DNA melting temperature (read the manual)

Input section

Select an input sequence. Use one of the following three fields:

  1. To access a sequence from a database, enter the USA here:
  2. To upload a sequence from your local computer, select it here:
  3. To enter the sequence data manually, type here:
Required section
Enter window size
Enter Shift Increment
Enter DNA concentration (nM)
Enter salt concentration (mM)
Additional section
Product options
Prompt for product values?
Enter percentage of formamide
Enter percent mismatch
Enter the product length (default is Window size (20))
Thermodynamic options
Thermodynamic calculations?
Enter temperature
Advanced section
Use RNA data values?
Output section
Produce a plot?
Enter minimum temperature
Output report format
Run section
Email address: If you are submitting a long job and would like to be informed by email when it finishes, enter your email address here.